Rescue: WMI Global has over 30 years’ experience with some of the best names in the industry conducting our Rescue operations for racing, water, land, technical, and SARS. WMI Global has and does cover some of the largest events every year that require Rescue Personnel and Specialized Rescue Personnel to save lives not for recovery. Many of events require various types of specialized rescue including large rapids and swift water, technical ice, technical ropes, night search and rescue, ski patrol, Helicopter Rescue, mountain bike, boat racing with open and closed cockpits, fuels and other specialty areas, etc. Having the right team that understands the discipline and the region they work in is critical to saving lives; WMI Global has over 30 years’ experience with some of the largest events in the world providing such planning and services; our focus is on saving lives, not recovery which is typical in the industry. Promoters need to be aware of what and who they are hiring for such services; WMI Globals expertise in the industry is unparalleled and unrivaled as compared to our competition. Go with the best; go with WMI Global Rescue!